Online Anxiety Therapy for High Achievers

Purpose & Meaning

30-Day Mental Health Challenge | Iowa & Arkansas Center for High Functioning Anxiety | Hayden Finch, PhD

30-Day Mental Health Challenge: Part IV

It’s the last part of your 30-day mental health challenge!! This mental health challenge is designed to help you – Move from thinking about changing to actually changing – Practice the skills you’ve picked up from all your research – Discover new strategies for managing your mental health – Establish a habit of focusing on your mental health on a regular basis This week includes challenges related to soothing your mind, managing stress, overcoming procrastination, and more! Dive in here!

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30-Day Mental Health Challenge | Iowa & Arkansas Center for High Functioning Anxiety | Hayden Finch, PhD

30-Day Mental Health Challenge: Part II

Last week, you launched into a 30-day mental health challenge. This mental health challenge is designed to help you – Put all the strategies you’ve been researching into practice – Make actual changes in your mental health – Discover new strategies for managing your mental health – Establish a habit of focusing on your mental health on a regular basis If you’re ready for Part II of the 30-day challenge, dive in here!

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30-Day Mental Health Challenge | Iowa & Arkansas Center for High Functioning Anxiety | Hayden Finch, PhD

30-Day Mental Health Challenge

For the next 30 days, join me in trying one new technique or coping skill each day.  By the end of the month, you’ll have experimented with a variety of new strategies to master your mental health, and you’ll have an idea of what works for you, where you need more practice, and what just isn’t a good fit for you.  In this week’s article, discover: What to keep in mind as you start this 30-day challenge – How to make the challenge a success for you – What to do for each of the next 7 days – All the resources and worksheets you need to really dive deep into each day’s strategy Dive in here!

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A Month of Gratitude Journal Prompts | Iowa & Arkansas Center for High Functioning Anxiety | Hayden Finch, PhD

A Month of Gratitude Journal Prompts

Last week, you learned a step-by-step night-time self-care routine, which included a reference to keeping a gratitude journal. Ever have that sensation that your life is actually pretty great, but you still feel unfulfilled? Besides doing a complete overhaul of your life activities, there are some other ways you can find more meaning in your life. One simple way is to keep a gratitude journal. In this week’s article, discover – Why you should keep a gratitude journal – How gratitude improves your physical and mental health – How to start a gratitude journal – 31 prompts to complete a full month of gratitude journaling with no repeats! Dive in!

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The Secret to Living a Balanced Life | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services

The Secret to Living a Balanced Life

Psychological health and relieving stress, anxiety, and depression are all about balance.  It’s so cliche that I roll my eyes at myself when I say it to my clients. When we’re stressed, overwhelmed, or anxious, that’s an emotional cue that something is out of balance in our lives.  So we respond by shifting things around. Mental health problems arise (in part) from things being too far out of balance for too long. We’ll rebalance but we too quickly go back to the old patterns that got us out of balance in the first place.  Today, I’ll tell you the piece you’re missing to help you actually get things balanced in the long term.

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A Message for When You're Feeling Like a Total Failure | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services

A Message for When You’re Feeling Like a Total Failure

Who doesn’t want to be more perfect? To dress nicer, look nicer, be nicer? We worry that our imperfections will not only hold us back from living the lives we want, but we also worry our flaws will negatively impact the people around us…the people we love most. If this is you and you feel like you’ve just dropped all the balls or can’t keep any of the plates spinning, I’ve got a question you need to ask yourself. See the question here.

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Shonda Rhimes Has the Secret to Doing It All | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services | Hayden Finch, PhD | Paradocs Psychological Services

Shonda Rhimes Has the Secret to Doing It All

Did you know that I’m slightly obsessed with Scandal? Sure, it’s off the air, but I still watch it on repeat. The creator of Scandal, Shonda Rhimes, gave the graduation speech at Dartmouth a few years ago, and her speech was so epic it’s still quoted. In it, she tells you the secret to keeping it all balanced. This is a woman who has a super demanding job (she writes and produces three major television shows) and has a family. And she’s got the secret. It’s not what you’d think.  I’ll share it with you here.

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3 Things I'd Ask a Genie For| Paradocs Psychological Services | Hayden Finch, PhD

The 3 Things I’d Wish For If I Had a Genie

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could all just rub a lamp in a cave and magically discover a genie that’s gonna grant us three wishes?  I mean, if that’s not the life, I don’t know what is. Have you ever thought about what you’d wish for?  


I gave it some thought and came up with my three and wrote an article explaining the three and why they matter for you and your mental health.  And because I love a good worksheet, I put together a worksheet to help you develop your three wishes to inspire your future mental health goals.

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