I get asked very frequently about tips for improving time management. Our lives are so busy that it seems impossible to fit everything we want to do into the time we’re given. And, yet, at other times (especially for people dealing with depression), it seems like all we’ve got is time and nothing to fill it. Either way, learning how to strategically manage your time helps you get more out of life – including more time to relax and actually enjoy your life.
“A few minutes spent on improving your time management skills will absolutely pay dividends in more time for the things that make your life valuable, fulfilling, and purposeful.”
Not sure if you have trouble with time management? Ask yourself these questions:
- Do I forget to show up to appointments that I was just reminded about?
- Am I frustrated and impatient with others? Do I take out my problems and mistakes on them?
- Do I cancel enjoyable activities because I’m just too busy?
- Am I regularly late for appointments?
- Do I fail to turn in projects on time even though I’ve known about them for a long time?
- Am I constantly rushing from one appointment or task to another?
- Do I often have a nagging feeling that I’ve forgotten to do something important?
- Do I feel there just aren’t enough hours in the day?
- Do I spend so much time trying to prepare and make sure I get something done perfectly that I either can’t get started or proceed incredibly slowly?
- Do I consistently finish tasks at or near their deadline?
- Do I keep putting off tasks I know need to be done?
- Do I rush to complete tasks at the last minute?
- Are others often asking me if I’ve finished things yet?
If you answered “yes” to a handful of these questions or more, then you could likely benefit from some tips to improve your time management. If you can manage your time more effectively, you’ll increase your chances of improving your health, getting more satisfaction from your life, enhancing your relationships, increasing your productivity, finding more free time, moving forward in your career, decreasing wasted time, and reducing frustration.

I hear you, though. “Hayden,” you say, “I already don’t have enough hours in the day to get all this done. When do you expect me to work on time management???” Good question. You know how they say you have to spend money to make money? You have to spend time to make time, as well. A few minutes spent on improving your time management skills will absolutely pay dividends in more time for the things that make your life valuable, fulfilling, and purposeful. Stay tuned to my next post to get started on those tips (subscribe to make sure you don’t miss it!).

Hayden C. Finch, PhD,
is a practicing psychologist
in Des Moines, Iowa.