If you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed, there’s only one question you need to ask yourself. And it’s not, “How can I fit more into a day?”
- When someone’s upset with you and you’re replaying the conversation in your head over and over
- When you made a mistake and you just can’t get over it
- When there is objectively not enough time to get done everything that needs to get done
- When there’s a sink full of dishes, piles of laundry around, and a dog pee stain on the carpet
- When you’re wearing day 3 hair
- When your favorite sweatpants have a hole in them
Ask yourself: “Will this matter in a year?”
If the answer is yes, dedicate some time to working through the issue. For example, if there is objectively not enough time to go get that weird lumpy mass in your neck checked out ( eesh!), that could very well matter in a year because who knows what that is! So it makes sense to figure out some way to get yourself over to urgent care to get it evaluated. Same if that sink full of dishes is attracting rodents. Let’s go ahead and get that taken care of…that can get out of hand in a hurry.
But if the answer is no, then it makes sense to reallocate your emotional and cognitive resources elsewhere. For example, if you offended your friend by forgetting about your lunch plans, chances are that’s gonna blow over within the next few weeks. Those towels in the dryer can totally wait another few days to be folded…the dryer is practically a cabinet anyways! That dog pee stain has already been on the carpet for a year…a little while longer sure won’t hurt anything. So someone mentioned it’s not your best hair day…a few days from now they’ll have forgotten all about it. And no one can see that hole in your sweatpants….promise.
If it won’t matter a year from now, it doesn’t need to matter today. Sure, this is easier said than done. It actually takes practice. So get to practicing. I’ve got a handy handout to get you started.
Next week, we’re talking about why you feel relieved instead of happy when you’re successful. If that’s you, don’t miss it.
Dr. Finch
P.S. If you jumped to the end, no shame! When you’re stressed and overwhelmed, ask yourself if what you’re worrying about will matter in a year. If it will, make moves. If it won’t, shift focus. Get the handy handout to get started.

Hayden C. Finch, PhD, is a practicing psychologist in Des Moines, Iowa, focused on helping you master your mental health.