Have you ever actually considered calling an ambulance? Like, been so seriously concerned about your own health that you actually thought it might be necessary to endure the embarrassment of the flashing lights in your driveway…and only God knows how much an ambulance ride costs these days. Yikes. Have you ever gotten to that point? Many of my clients have, only to realize they weren’t having heart attacks or losing their minds…they were having a panic attack.
When you can spot a panic attack, you can be more strategic about how you deal with it. I mean, nobody wants to be hauled out on a gurney wearing a t-shirt with no bra and the yoga pants that never leave the house. Eesh. Not cute.
So here are 20 signs you might be having a panic attack (obligatory disclaimer here: if you’re ever unsure about whether you’re having a panic attack, it’s always a good idea to go ahead and get a physician to check you out and make sure. Be safe.).
At the end of the list, I’ve got a PDF for monitoring panic, so make sure you grab that.
Let’s get to it.
20 Signs You Might Be Having a Panic Attack
- You suddenly feel intense fear, but there’s nothing to actually panic about
- You have the thought, “I’m not sure what ‘doom’ is, but I’m pretty sure this is it.”
- Your pulse is racing
- Your palms are sweaty
- Your hands are shaky
- Your mouth is dry
- Your heart is pounding
- You’re sweaty AF
- You feel like you can’t catch your breath
- You feel like you’re choking
- You feel like someone is standing on your chest
- Your tummy hurts
- Your muscles are twitching
- You feel dizzy or lightheaded
- Some people even feel like they’re not actually inside their bodies anymore…like they’re watching their life like it’s a movie. And other people feel like they’re living in a dream…like what’s happening isn’t actually real.
- You feel like you’re losing your mind
- You wonder if you might actually be dying
- You feel numbness or tingling
- You alternate between being chilled and hot
- You feel uncomfortable and have the urge to move
If you can relate, grab this PDF to monitor your symptoms. Then take that list to your therapist or doctor, and they can help you figure out the best way to address it.
Oh, and by the way, if you’ve ever wondered what the difference is between an anxiety attack and a panic attack, I’ve got a post that reviews the similarities and differences, so check that out.
Hey, have you seen the new Aladdin? It got me thinking about what I’d ask for if I had a genie. Check back next week for my ideas!
Talk to you soon,
Dr. Finch
P.S. If you skipped to the end, I outlined 20 signs you might be having a panic attack and detailed why it’s important for you to monitor your own signs. Grab the PDF to start monitoring your signs. Also, I have an older post about the difference between anxiety attacks and panic attacks, so check that as well if you’re curious.
P.P.S. Remember, this is education, not treatment. Always consult with a psychologist or therapist about your mental health to determine what information and interventions are best for you. See the disclaimer for more details.

Hayden C. Finch, PhD, is a practicing psychologist in Des Moines, Iowa, dedicated to helping you master your mental health.